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Geo Note: Change to German Sub-National Geography Codes
Friday, 21 Oct 2011 08:39 ET
By Michele Musacchio, Stefan Brandt
October 2011 -- We changed our German geography codes to align more closely with the coding scheme used by national sources including the Federal Statistics Office of Germany and the Federal Employment Agency. Please read below to learn more about the changes.

We changed our German geography codes to align more closely with the coding scheme used by national sources including the Federal Statistics Office of Germany and the Federal Employment Agency.  This change allows us to efficiently and accurately maintain and record the numerous administrative changes made and scheduled to be carried out to Germany's sub-national geographies. The new numerical structure allows users to more easily track higher and lower level component geographies.

Attached please find a map file listing the old and new subnational geography codes.  All sub-national codes still begin with "IDEU_". 

All sub-national datasets are affected by this change including those datasets sourced from national agencies as well as those sourced from international organizations like Eurostat.

