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Geo Change: World - Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes
Thursday, 14 Aug 2008 15:28 ET
By Karl Zandi
The Moody's Economy.com geography code IDXUS "World Developed Countries Except United States" has been replaced by IDVXU.

The geo code change was implemented several years ago.  However, several series from the Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes dataset were aliased to permit users to continue to use both the old code (IDXUS) and its replacement (IDVXU).  The transitional period has ended, and we have now completely discontinued the use of IDXUS.  Any baskets or other downloads that use this geo code will need to be updated.

If you have… You need to use… Description
DJISI$DOWTD.IDXUS DJISI$DOWTD.IDVXU DJIM closing price index value, Developed World Excluding U.S. - Daily
DJISI$DOWTM.IDXUS DJISI$DOWTM.IDVXU DJIM closing price index value, Developed World Excluding U.S. - Weekly
DJISI$DOWTW.IDXUS DJISI$DOWTW.IDVXU DJIM closing price index value, Developed World Excluding U.S. - Monthly



Related Release[DISCONTINUED] Dow Jones Islamic Market (DJIM) Indexes (M)
SourceS&P Dow Jones Indices LLC