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FAQ: U.S. - Case-Shiller® Home Price Index
Friday, 06 Aug 2010 08:49 ET
By Phillip Thorne
A summary of previous news coverage relating to the quarterly Case-Shiller® Home Price Index historical and corresponding Moody's Economy.com® forecast.

The quarterly Case-Shiller® Home Price Index (CSI™) produced by Fiserv consists of two historical datasets published quarterly: the "Raw" dataset which contains a mix of frequencies and start dates, and the "Square" dataset which is patched with OFHEO HPIs and is otherwise adjusted for consistency.  Series are available at geo levels down to Zip codes, but only for selected areas; exact coverage is subject to change.  The dataset is usually published on the last day of each quarter, with a one-quarter lag.

The corresponding Moody's Economy.com forecast (of quarterly series updated monthly) is produced down to the county level, but only for selected areas.

Subscriptions to the CSI historical datasets, the forecast, and the alternative scenario forecasts, may be purchased separately or in combination.

The monthly S&P/Case-Shiller® Home Price Indexes are a separate dataset, and pertain only to 20 major metro areas.  They are included with the U.S. National and Regional database (historical); for methodological reasons, values do not match those for corresponding areas in the CSI.  Unlike the CSI, we do not forecast this dataset.

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