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TitleFAQ: Availability - Data Buffet Historical Releases
AuthorPhillip Thorne

A listing of individual "releases" used to populate Data Buffet, grouped by country and source, annotated by frequency (May 2014).


The attached HTML document lists the countries, sources and "releases" (workflow units) we use when populating the Data Buffet public historical and estimated databases.  This provides a quick overview of available datasets, but with caveats.  Please contact us if you'd like more detail about any particular release.

The manifest does not list individual concepts or series; it excludes now-inactive releases that supplied discontinued series (which remain for historical context) and non-public inputs to our process.  It is not organized by data product (standard groups of databanks).  Some releases consolidate a large number of unrelated indicators.

If the HTML attachment to this article fails, you may use the copy stored among our Reference Files (Zipped HTML), under Other » Manifest of releases on Data Buffet.
