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FAQ: U.S. - Housing Measures
Tuesday, 17 Nov 2009 15:55 ET
By Matthew Hopkins
Moody’s Economy.com® obtains U.S. residential real estate data from several sources.

DataBuffet.com® carries a variety of residential real estate data (construction, sales, prices, price indices, affordability, vacancies) for the United States (the nation, states, and MSAs).  We obtain these datasets from multiple sources, including private agencies such as the National Association of Realtors (NAR) (and its state affiliates) and Freddie Mac, and government bodies such as the Census Bureau and FHFA (formerly the FHFB and OFHEO). Moreover, we produce our own estimates for certain key indicators, in order to achieve finer detail in space and time than these vendors provide.

For more information, please see these articles from DataBuffet.com Monthly Update:

The attached document (NAR, 2008) explains the differences between four measures: the NAR median price, the FHFA home price index, and the S&P/Case-Shiller® home price index (all monthly), plus the Freddie Mac CMHPI (quarterly).

Not all of these indicators are available in the main National and Regional Database; some, such as the Case-Shiller Index® and the NAR's Months Supply of Homes, are separate add-on products.  Please contact your sales representative for detail.
