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Mnemonic Change: U.S. - Fiserv Case-Shiller® "Raw" Indexes
Thursday, 14 Aug 2008 12:09 ET
By Jean-Marc Rollet
In the Fiserv Case-Shiller® Indexes "Raw" dataset, series geo-tagged with DMESS (Essex County, MA Metropolitan Division) have been corrected to DMPEA (Peabody, MA Metropolitan Division) (13 quarterly series affected). Baskets or other references to these series will need to be updated.

In December 2006 the U.S. Officeof Management and Budget (OMB) published an update to its list of Core Based Statistical Areas. Peabody, Massachusetts qualified as the new principal city of the "Essex County, MA Metropolitan Division."  The new title assigned was "Peabody, MA Metropolitan Division" with a new FIPS code of 37764. 

Accordingly, Moody's Economy.com created a new metropolitan division geography code, DMPEA, as the successor to DMESS.

This change was not immediately incorporated in the Fiserv Case-Shiller® "Raw" Indexes stored on DataBuffet.com.  The situation has now been corrected, and applies to the following 13 concept codes. 

If any of your baskets, spreadsheet Add-Ins, or other automatic retrievals use a mnemonic like HCSHP1TIQ.DMESS, you will need to change it to HCSHP1TIQ.DMPEA.  Using the old geo code will elicit a "series does not exist" message.

Concept Code Description
HCSHP1TIQ Single-Family Aggregate Index, (Index, SA)
HCSHP1HIQ Single-Family High Tier Index, (Index, SA)
HCSHP1MIQ Single-Family Mid Tier Index, (Index, SA)
HCSHP1LIQ Single-Family Low Tier Index, (Index, SA)
HCSHP1H$Q Single-Family Middle/High Tier Break, (Ths. $, SA)
HCSHP1L$Q Single-Family Low/Middle Tier Break, (Ths. $, SA)
XHCSHP1TIQ Single-Family Aggregate Index, (Index, NSA)
XHCSHP1HIQ Single-Family High Tier Index, (Index, NSA)
XHCSHP1MIQ Single-Family Mid Tier Index, (Index, NSA)
XHCSHP1LIQ Single-Family Low Tier Index, (Index, NSA)
XHCSHP1H$Q Single-Family Middle/High Tier Break, (Ths. $, NSA)
XHCSHP1L$Q Single-Family Low/Middle Tier Break, (Ths. $, NSA)
XHCSHPCTIS Condo Index, (Index, NSA)

Note: Moody's Economy.com geo codes for metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) have the form Maaa, the letter "M" followed by three letters.  Codes for metropolitan divisions (MDs), which are constituents of certain large MSAs, have the form DMaaa, with the prefix "DM."


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