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TitleFAQ: U.S. - BLS CES and military employment
AuthorKarl Zandi

Does the monthly BLS Current Employment Statistics (CES) include military personnel?


No.  The monthly Current Employment Statistics (CES, BLS-790, or "establishment survey") conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics localizes workers by their employers.  For the U.S. federal government, data are provided by the Office of Personnel Management, and represents those persons employed during the last full pay period of the month.  For more on the content and scope of the CES, please refer to the BLS's official FAQ document.

The CES includes:

  • Most government agencies
  • Civilian employees of the Department of Defense

It does not include:

  • Uniformed military personnel
  • Overseas installations
  • Central Intelligence Agency
  • Defense Intelligence Agency
  • National Security Agency

For a fuller picture of military employment, please consult the following time series.  Except for the national-only series XEGVFD.US, the concepts are all available at the state level.

Mnemonic Description Units Source
XEGVFD.US Monthly civilian employment of the Department of Defense Ths. # BLS CES
EBGVFD.^^ Annual uniformed military employment Ths. # BEA
REMLA.^^ Annual forecast of uniformed employment Ths. # MEDC
DDEMP.^^ Annual expenditure on military active duty employment Ths. $ DoD


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