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TitleFAQ: U.S. - Why are some metro and state CES series delayed?
AuthorMegan Perkinson

Why are the Current Employment Statistics state- and metro-level series not all available at the same time on Data Buffet?


The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) monthly Current Employment Statistics (CES) report includes only selected industries for states and metros.  The remaining industries are infilled by Moody's Analytics, either by "backing out" or by seasonally adjusting BLS-reported data.  This second stage takes time, which explains the delay to certain time series.

One such "backed-out" series is Natural Resources and Mining and Construction for Pennsylvania not seasonally adjusted.  The BLS separately reports the two industries Natural Resources and Mining (series XERM.PA) and Construction (XE23.PA) but not their aggregate (XERM23.PA). 

For seasonal adjustment, we use the Census Bureau's X-12 ARIMA program, e.g. to create series E42.MCLE.  Any series that have been infilled by Moody's Analytics are noted as such in their source metadata; you'll see the phrase "Moody's Analytics Aggregated" or "Moody's Analytics Adjusted."

(We do not count these infilled series as "estimates," because estimation is more mathematically involved, usually with multiple driver series.  Most estimated series have an identifying "R-" mnemonic prefix.)

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