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TitleUsing Power Tools: Troubleshooting
AuthorPhillip Thorne

If Moody's Analytics Power Tools for Microsoft Office behaving strangely? Is it showing any of these error messages or symptoms? Try these fixes first.


Moody's Analytics Power Tools for Microsoft Office (Version 8, 2013) is add-in software that links Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Word to your Data Buffet account (also to CreditCycle and E-Model), allowing you to embed graphics and to retrieve numeric data. You may encounter the following situations during installation and regular use. If these troubleshooting diagnostics don't work, please don't hesitate to contact us.


1. Do you have administrative privileges?

Symptom: "0x8007051b - This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object"

Symptom: "0x800b010b - Generic trust failure"

Explanation: To install Version 8 (released in July 2013), you will need administrative privileges on your Microsoft Windows account (as explained on the Power Tools download page, Installation tab). If necessary, consult with your local IT staff.

2. Are you still using Version 7 (2010)?

Symptom: "Compile error in hidden module: Start. This error occurs when code is incompatible with the version, platform, or architecture of this application."

Symptom: "License information for this component not found."

This message is generated by Microsoft Windows and Visual Basic, as explained by Microsoft in Q177799. It is a deeper than Power Tools specifically. Please contact your local IT support staff to fix your software configuration.

Test: In Version 7 (first released in July 2010), execute ribbon:Add-Ins » DataBuffet » About the DataBuffet Add-in. It will check for the existence of a newer version.

Explanation: We cannot guarantee that earlier versions of the software will operate correctly with our server.

3. Did you unload Version 7?

Version 8 has a dedicated toolbar ribbon, but Version 7 appears on the shared Add-Ins ribbon. To remove the vestigial toolbar buttons, go to the Windows Start menu and execute All Programs » DataBuffet Power Tools » Unload Addins.

For Power Tools, you cannot use the Windows control panel "add/remove programs."

4. Installation fails with a "hash value is not correct" message.

As a foundational component, you need the Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime. Our installer usually notices if this component is missing.

After installation

5. The Power Tools ribbon vanishes from Excel.

Possible cause: A crash of Excel. You will need to re-enable the add-in.

  1. Use ribbon:File » Options to open the Excel Options dialog, and select the "Add-Ins" group.
  2. Change the Manage dropdown to "Disabled Items" and hit the "Go..." button.
  3. In the "Disabled Items" dialog, select the entry for Power Tools, enable, and close.
  4. Switch the Manage dropdown to "COM Add-Ins" and hit "Go..."
  5. Select the checkbox alongside "Moody's Analytics Power Tools" and hit "OK."

6. Is Power Tools using the correct log-in credentials?

Test: In Version 7, execute ribbon:Add-Ins » DataBuffet » Options » Security. In the Security frame, are your User-ID and Password set?

Test: In Version 8, execute ribbon:Power Tools » Account and look for You are logged in as ...

Response: Change the credentials. Your User-ID is the email address you registered with and use for www.DataBuffet.com, as seen in your My Economy profile. If necessary, change or reset your password through www.economy.com.

7. Message "concurrency violation"

Cause: Another computer is logged-in to your Data Buffet account. Do you move between several PCs? Did you replace your PC? Are you sharing your account?

See this detailed FAQ on concurrency violations.

8. Message "webservice error"

Possible cause 1: Do you have the correct credentials?

Possible cause 2: Is your system clock set correctly?

Explanation: Power Tools uses the same username and password as Data Buffet and Economy.com in general, as described above in (6). In client-server communications, a mismatch between clocks is one sign of a "replay attack."

Worksheet error messages

9. Requested series can't be retrieved

Symptom: "Series does not exist"

Symptom: "Series found: access denied"

You have specified a single mnemonic that does not exist, an expression that cannot be interpreted, or a series that is outside your subscription. These messages are generated by the Data Buffet server and are identical in Power Tools and the web site.

See: error messages and common fixes.

10.The Power Tools .xlam didn't load properly

Symptom: Cell turns red with "#NAME?"

Symptom: "ArgumentNullException - Incorrect arguments provided to function"

Excel does not recognize the =ECONBUFFET worksheet formula because the .xlam file (VBA module) did not load properly.

Possible fix #1 (easy): Assuming you have correctly installed Version 8, close and reopen the workbook.

Possible fix #2: If your workbook's extension is .xls, save as .xlsx, which will force the formula to be evaluated from add-ins that are loaded in memory.

  1. Save as .xlsx.
  2. Close all Excel files.
  3. Reopen the new .xlsx file.
  4. Execute a Power Tools "refresh" command.

Possible fix #3 (involved):

  1. Open the Excel Add-Ins Manager:
    ribbon:File » Options » Add-Ins » Manage=Excel Add-ins » Go
  2. In the Add-Ins dialog, is Ma.Ecca.Addinutils listed?
    1. Yes:
      If it is not selected already, select it.
    2. No:
      1. btn:Browse to path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\XLSTART\"
      2. Is MA.ECCA.AddInUtils.xlam listed in this folder?
        1. Yes: Select and hit btn:OK.
        2. No: Something went amiss with the installation.
  3. Test an =ECONBUFFET cell again.

Note that the path may vary based on the particulars of your OS version, Office version, and corporate policies. The version-specific directories for Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013 are typically named "Office12," "Office14," and "Office15," respectively.

11. Webservice error

Symptom 1: An error occurred while sending the request

Symptom 2: Status code: methodnotallowed - response: {"message":"the requested resource does not support http method 'GET'."}

Symptom 3: Webservice error 308

Fix: See Using Power Tools: Webservice error 308 (August 2020).