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Discontinued Data: Cyprus - Index of hourly labor cost in construction
Monday, 14 Aug 2017 12:20 ET
By Phillip Thorne
August 2017 -- Because the "index of hourly labor cost in construction" for Cyprus has been delayed indefinitely by the source, and due to lack of client interest, we are discontinuing our extract (three monthly series 2000-2015, discontinued).

Upon direct inquiry in mid-2016, the source (CYSTAT, the Statistical Service of the Republic of Cyprus) explained:

The “INDEX OF HOURLY LABOUR COST IN CONSTRUCTION” table has not been updated since July, 2015 as no agreement has been reached among the interested parties regarding a new collective agreement governing the construction sector. The table is not updated given that the new collective agreement may affect the employees’ benefits retrospectively. Unfortunately we cannot provide you with an estimate of when an agreement will be reached.

There has been no subsequent change.

In response, we have marked the series as "discontinued" in their metadata and the catalog. They run from as early as January 2000 to June 2015. The series reside in the historical catalog (Cyprus » Labor and wages » Index of hourly labor cost in construction [DISCONTINUED]) and include, for example:

  • LWIHCCNUM.ICYP    = Labor: Index of hourly cost in construction, (2010=100, NSA)
  • LWIHCCN_05UM.ICYP = Labor: Index of hourly cost in construction, (2005=100, NSA)

Based on reports at EurWork (the European Observatory of Working Life, part of Eurofound, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, an EU agency), the "interested parties" are, presumably, the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance (MLSI), the Federation of the Building Contractors’ Associations of Cyprus (OSEOK), and the three worker's federations -- the Democratic Labour Federation of Cyprus (DEOK), the Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO), and the Cyprus Workers’ Confederation (SEK)).


Related ReleaseIndex of Hourly Labor Cost in Construction
SourceStatistical Service of the Republic of Cyprus (CYSTAT)