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TitleUsing Data Buffet: Error messages
AuthorPhillip Thorne

What are the most common error messages returned by Data Buffet, and how should you respond?


When using Data Buffet these are the most common error messages you will encounter. View mode, Basket downloads and Power Tools use the same underlying server, so they will return the same messages under similar circumstances.

Cookie- and cache-related error conditions:

  • Web site access denied
  • You are logged out / Return to login screen?
  • Error when purchasing a series from the Research Store
  • Article not found

Where: DataBuffet.com, Moody's Analytics Research Store, Economy.com, etc.

Possible reasons:

  • You have recently upgraded your subscription (e.g., from Free Lunch to Data Buffet).
  • You are using a site license.
  • Your browser has cached a stale copy of our site.

Fixes: Clear stale browser cookies; disable browser caching.

  1. Go to www.economy.com/support.
  2. Switch to tab "Cookie Info."
  3. At the bottom, press "Remove Old Moody's Analytics Cookies."
  4. In your browser, activate "check for new versions of stored pages."
    • In Microsoft Internet Explorer 9:
      1. Tools (gear icon)
      2. Internet Options
      3. tab: General
      4. Browsing History: Settings
      5. Temporary Internet Files: Every time I visit the web page
    • In other browsers and versions, the controls will vary.
  5. Exit all browser sessions.
  6. Return to DataBuffet.com and log in.

Series does not exist

Where: View, Basket, Chart and Map; Basket output; Power Tools spreadsheets.

What it means: The mnemonic does not identify any series.

Possible reasons:

  • There is a typo in the mnemonic.
  • There is whitespace in the mnemonic (when using the basket Power Editor).
  • You guessed at the mnemonic (based on examples) but missed.
  • Inapplicable geo list.
  • A series by this name did exist, once, but we have subsequently renamed or deleted it.


  • Select each series using the catalog, because mnemonics are simply not guessable.
  • Sometimes you can pick one exemplar series, then expand your basket using wild cards or a geo list.
  • When copying to the basket Power Editor, inspect each line for whitespace after each entry.  Is the insert-cursor butted-up against the text, or floating some distance to its right?
  • Search Data Buffet News for applicable Data Change, Data Deletion and Mnemonic Change articles.

Series found: access denied

Where: View mode, Basket output and Power Tools spreadsheets.

What it means: The series exists but is not among your subscriptions.


  • Clarify your subscriptions. Contact us through the "Contact" mechanisms linked in the upper-right corner and we will put you in touch with your Moody's Analytics sales representative.
  • Purchase the series from the Research Store (if available).
  • Arrange a one-time delivery with your sales rep.
  • If your company has an extranet with us, it may include additional products beyond your personal subscriptions.

Series found: database closed

What it means: The series is among your subscriptions, but it's stored in a databank that's currently disconnected. Why? We archive rarely-used series (for example, previous benchmarks and demographics by small area) in specialized databanks, which we disconnect to improve your performance using the popular databanks.


  1. Use Mnemonic 411 to identify the "databank" containing the series.
  2. On DataBuffet.com, open menu:Settings » Default Databanks.
  3. In the list, locate the databank (step 1), and select the checkbox to its left.

See also: Turn on a databank

Error #2 downloading file

Where: Basket download.

Possible reasons:

  • You specified a custom name for the output file, and it contains an illegal character.
  • You're downloading a basket in Microsoft Access format and picked an invalid frequency; only Annual, Quarterly and Monthly will work.
  • Something went wrong with our server.


  • Check your basket settings.
  • Please contact us so our Technology staff can investigate.

Time out

Where: When running a basket.

Possible reasons:

  1. You pressed "download" twice in quick succession.  The output file is open and locked (somewhere between our web server and your desktop), so the new output cannot be written to that name.
  2. Your basket is too large. It contains too many explicit entries, or wild expressions that expand to too many series. We do not enforce basket limits, but an excessive list will take inconveniently long to fulfill.


  1. Change the output filename (Basket » Options » File » File Name).
  2. Reconsider the contents of your basket.

See also: Series limits in a basket, chart or map

Error saving recent geos

Where: When using the Geography Wizard to populate baskets, etc.

What it means: You have multi-selected a large number of geos and Data Buffet is unable to add them all to the Recent Geographies list (the symptom depends on server load). It has no impact on the contents of the basket.

Fixes: Clear the Recent Geographies list by using the "trash can" button in the upper-right corner of the Geography Wizard.