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TitleEstimates Note: U.S. subnational - Students and population
AuthorKarl Zandi

Are students at colleges and universities included in the Moody's Analytics estimates of U.S. subnational population?


Yes. The Moody’s Analytics estimates of population (concept code RPOPQ) are based on the U.S. Census Bureau estimates of resident population, a measure that is defined, in part:

  • Included: Students
  • Included: Military located in the U.S.
  • Included: Non-citizens living in the U.S. regardless of immigration status
  • Excluded: Military on overseas deployment
  • Excluded: Civilians whose usual place of residence is outside the U.S.

Usual place of residence is the place where a person lives and sleeps most of the time, which isn't necessarily the same as voting residence or legal residence. Usual residence can be difficult to determine for some categories (commuter workers, migrant workers, snowbirds, live-in nannies, military personnel, and persons without housing), but students are localized as follows:

  • Boarding school students - At their parental home rather than at the boarding school
  • Enrolled college students living at their parental home - At their parental home
  • Enrolled college students living away from home - Where they are living at college

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