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TitleUsing Data Buffet: Explore series
AuthorPhillip Thorne

What are efficient methods to explore the 470 million time series in Data Buffet?


If you are seeking to understand the value of your subscription or considering whether to expand it, you might request a full listing of Data Buffet's contents. This question is not easy to satisfy, because of the overwhelming scale of the repository:

  • 8.6 million concepts, each available for one or more of ...
  • ... 372,000 geographies (including subnational areas and supranational aggregates), resulting in ...
  • ... 470 million time series.

This many entries would overflow any spreadsheet, would be difficult to navigate even if they fit, and would lack certain information:

  • Necessary context is provided by the position of each series in the catalog.
  • Alternative versions of indicators that might look like duplicates.
  • The roster changes almost daily, with our ongoing development of dataset additions, replacements due to statistical redefinitions, and (rarely) removals.

Instead, we provide alternative means by which to survey the smorgasbord. If you need assistance with these techniques or you're rushing for an answer, please contact us directly.

Consult prefab catalogs and specialized lists:

  • Go to DataBuffet.com to browse the catalog, which organizes concepts into (a) thematic groups, (b) standardized layouts, and (c) sometimes to resemble the source layout. What is the geographic coverage of each concept? Left-click to use the geography wizard.
  • See the "Variable Listing" section of the Reference Files section.
  • Search for “New Data” articles in Data Buffet News, articles that summarize or tabulate the new series. They may also provide supplemental detail or structure beyond the scope of the catalog.

Customize your own lists:

  • Create a filtered catalog to show only those concepts (and their containing folders) available for a particular geography.
  • Assemble a basket using targeted wild card expressions to download series with similar mnemonics: industry detail, scenarios, related areas.

Browse cross-references and conceptual vicinities:

  • If you’re starting with a single mnemonic in isolation, the Search panel of Mnemonic 411 will let you step back to the concept and examine available geos. As our primary documentation tool, Mnemonic 411 is linked to every series, and you can read about them all, regardless of your paid access (in fact, the Overview tab indicates if you have access).
  • From the Catalog tab in Mnemonic 411 you can jump into the catalog and then browse the vicinity.
  • Keyword search using the upper-right search box and the left-hand search tab. It's usually faster to familiarize yourself with the thematic layout of the catalog and then browse directly.

Many large datasets are available from their sources with a flood of detail, dimensions and cross-tabulations, more than we can easily organize or apply, so we’re always selective about which portions we republish. If, however, you need one of these sections, we will consider targeted additions to Data Buffet. Just write and ask.