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TitleUsing Data Buffet: Euro zone geo codes and geo lists
AuthorPhillip Thorne

How do I retrieve time series for the euro zone, under its most recent or prior compositions, as a whole or as individual countries? [Updated 3 January 2023.]


Because euro zone membership can change and a time series can bridge those redefinitions, you must identify how the time series is specifically constructed. Does it use a mutable definition (to be comprehensive) or a retroactive fixed definition (to be consistent)?

In particular, Eurostat and the European Central Bank report data for the entire euro zone under both "changing composition" and "fixed composition" definitions. Data Buffet uses a family of numbered geo codes from IEZ11 to IEZ20 to denote the euro zone's incarnations between 1999 and 2023, as listed below.

All euro zone accessions are effective as of January 1. Changes to Data Buffet geo codes and geo lists are described in specific articles. Changes to relevant datasets (nationally-reported currency-valued datasets, supernational-reported foreign exchange rates, etc.) are chronicled in "data change" and "discontinued data" articles.

Geo codes for successive fixed compositions of the euro zone

Changing composition

Conversely, geo code IEZCC is used for series reported using "euro zone changing composition." These series may be aliased with IEUZN, but IEUZN has a second meaning of "composition is unknown or unclear."

Because breaks are implicit in the definition, IEZCC series are not explicitly marked with "break" metadata notations.

Geo lists

Data Buffet geo lists are a convenience feature to simplify baskets. If you know a particular concept is available for multiple areas, a single basket entry using a geo list will retrieve multiple series. For example, expression EUENAECMPMQUA.GB_EUZN_CTY.LST will retrieve the Eurostat-published national accounts series for employee compensation in mining and quarrying, for a specific group of countries. Geo lists are more targeted than geo wild cards. You can use prefab geo lists provided by Data Buffet, or create your own.

  • GB_EUZN_CTY.LST = EZ-20 membership

Basket formulas

Geo lists return multiple series, but do not aggregate their values. Instead, use a basket formula to operate on individual series that you have previously identified. Formulas cannot use geo lists.

Euros outside the euro zone

Six additional European countries use the euro currency but are not officially part of the euro zone and are not included in ECB statistical aggregates, nor in our "IEZ·" geo codes. Of these, four countries have a formal arrangement with the European Community to use the euro currency and to mint euro coins, viz., the micro-states of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City. Two others use the euro without a formal agreement, viz., Kosovo and Montenegro.

See also


Country accessions:


Updates to this article

  • April 2015 - Data Buffet will soon adopt a new geo code for "changing composition" series, IEZCC. For convenience and backwards compatibility, geo code IEUZN will be used as an alias, either to the IEZCC series (if it is the only reported series) or to the source's chosen key series (if there are multiple variants).
  • Jan 2020 - Added section "euros outside the euro zone".
  • Jan 2023 - Croatia as 20th member.