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TitleGeo Change: Germany - NUTS 2016 for 07135 and 07140
AuthorElizabeth Fitts, Phillip Thorne

July 2017 -- A boundary shift between adjacent NUTS 3 areas in Germany (kreise) has necessitated that we create new geo codes to differentiate between data reported by Eurostat under the NUTS 2013 and 2016 vintages.


Recently Germany, in its ongoing municipal reorganizations, changed two areas. Although this triggered a code change by Eurostat between NUTS versions 2013 and 2016, the German Federal Statistical Office (FSO) did not issue new identifiers. In response, because we derive our geo codes from the FSO taxonomy, we have created new geo codes with an irregular structure, i.e., a suffix of "_2013".

NUTS vintageLevel and nameNUTS codeFSO codeData Buffet geo code
2013 NUTS 3 Cochem-Zell DEB16 07135 IDEU_07135_2013
2016 no change DEB1C 07135 IDEU_07135
2013 NUTS 3 Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis DEB19 07140 IDEU_07140_2013
2016 no change DEB1D 07140 IDEU_07140


We will use these new "_2013" geo codes only for Eurostat datasets. If a dataset is localized using NUTS 2013, to identify 07135 Cochem-Zell kreise we will use geo code IDEU_07135_2013; but if a different dataset is localized using NUTS 2016, we will use IDEU_07135. Hence, to retrieve all series applicable to this area you will need to use both geo codes.

For series reported by FSO for these areas, we have observed a numeric break at 2013/2014. For example:


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