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Forecast Changes: International Macro Models [April 2017]
Friday, 21 Apr 2017 13:51 ET
By Paul Matsiras
April 2017 – As a part of the April vintage of the Moody's Analytics international macro forecasts, we have introduced two new concepts and replaced one historical series. Additionally, starting next month, the “FW?” alias will be removed.

To ensure the highest quality forecasts, Moody's Analytics will periodically add forecasts for series for which country data become available. Equation specifications, as well as implications for other parts of our forecasts, may also appear in Mnemonic 411.

The added and removed baseline series are as follows. The corresponding alternative scenarios are similarly affected.


·         We added the Chinese money market rate forecast (FRMMQ.ICHN).

·         We incorporated Turkish National Accounts comprehensive revision (F?$Q.ITUR).

Alias will be removed

·         “FW?” aliases are disappearing starting in May. Please refer to the following KB for further details: https://www.economy.com/support/blog/buffet.aspx?did=BDB5550D-271D-42F3-822D-2E592D7CC90E.
