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Geo Change: Slovenia - NUTS 2013 [UPDATED]
Wednesday, 25 Jan 2017 09:34 ET
By Phillip Thorne
January 2016 -- The NUTS 2013 statistical geographic classification is now being applied to subnational data for Slovenia reported by national sources and by Eurostat. In response, we have created new Data Buffet geo codes. Existing time series will be replaced as necessary; please watch for "Data Change ... Under NUTS 2013" articles. [Updated January 25, 2017.]

Slovenia is divided into one NUTS 1 area, two NUTS 2 areas, and 12 NUTS 3 areas. This much is unchanged.

The NUTS 1 level is conterminous with the entire country. NUTS areas are defined, in part, by population, so it is possible for a country with a small population to have a partially unbranched geographic hierarchy.

At the NUTS 2 level ("kohezijske regije" or "cohension region"), a boundary shift between the two areas redefined both. They have new NUTS codes and new Data Buffet geo codes.

At the NUTS 3 level ("statisticne regije" or "statistical region"), all 12 areas have new NUTS codes (because of the change to parents), but only four areas were specifically impacted by the boundary shift; since they qualify as new regions, we have assigned replacement Data Buffet geo codes. The remaining eight geo codes are unchanged. The changes are:


A concordance between the NUTS 2010 and 2013 definitions is attached. It provides NUTS alphanumerics, Data Buffet geo codes, the names of areas in Romanized Slovenian and in English, and the reason for each change. Purple geo codes are unchanged, blue are discontinued, and red are new.

Impacted releases



  • Jan. 25 - Initial version.
  • Oct. 24 - Clarified phrasing; linked to impacted releases.
  • Nov. 9 - In attachment, corrected spelling from "Vzhonda" to "Vzhodna."
  • Dec. 16 - Names of NUTS levels; geo codes for the four changed areas.
  • Jan. 25 - Birth and death rates, quarterly LFS, annual LFS
Related ReleaseRegional Accounts
SourceStatistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
Release DateReference date
16 Dec 20242023