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Estimates Revision: Kenya - GDP(E) - Method
Friday, 12 Jul 2019 17:20 ET
By Katie Cristofano
July 2019 -- To enhance our estimates of GDP by expenditure for Kenya, we have integrated a new source (25 quarterly series revised from 1960).

Motivation: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics reports quarterly GDP totals, seasonally adjusted, at current and 2009-constant prices. Previously, our estimates did not align with these series. 

Old Methodology:

  1. Benchmark current and constant GDP and its expenditure components to annual GDP(E) from the UNSD
  2. Backfill using growth rates of annual GDP(E) from the World Bank
  3. Frequency-convert (2009 to current) GDP from annual to quarterly using quarterly GDP from the World Bank
  4. Frequency-convert (1960 to 2008) GDP from annual to quarterly using linear interpolation
  5. Frequency-convert (1960 to current) expenditure components from annual to quarterly using linear interpolation
  6.  Squeeze components to total GDP to ensure additive integrity

New Methodology:

  1. Benchmark current and constant price GDP to quarterly, seasonally adjusted GDP from Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
  2. Backfill (2000 to 2008) constant price GDP using growth rates of the 2001-constant price predecessor
  3. Backfill (1960 to 1999) current and constant price GDP using annual GDP from UNSD, backfilled with annual GDP from the World Bank, frequency-converted to quarterly using linear interpolation. 
  4. Benchmark current and constant price expenditure components to annual components from UNSD
  5. Re-base constant price components from 2010 to 2009 using corresponding current price data
  6. Backfill using annual components from the World Bank
  7. Frequency-convert expenditure components from annual to quarterly using GDP estimates
  8. Squeeze components to total GDP to ensure additive integrity

What you will see: All periods are revised. Constant price estimates re-based (from 2010 to 2009). Properties are otherwise unchanged. 

The estimates reside in the historical catalog (Kenya » National Accounts » by Expenditure » Moody's Analytics Estimated) and include, for example:

  • RNALEGDPAQ.IKEN = National Accounts: Gross domestic product, (Mil. KES, SAAR)
  • RNACEEXAQ.IKEN  = Exports, (Mil. 2009 KES, SAAR)
  • RPDIGAQ.IKEN    = Implicit price deflator - Government consumption, (Index 2009=100, SA)

Because catalog locations are subject to change, the upper-right search box on DataBuffet.com provides a "find in catalog" mode that accepts a mnemonic.

See also

Related ReleaseGross Domestic Product
SourceMoody's Analytics (ECCA)
Release DateReference date
30 Apr 20244Q 2023