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Data Change: Cyprus - Construction and housing (A)
Wednesday, 05 Dec 2018 09:30 ET
By Phillip Thorne
December 2018 -- For the "construction and housing" annual summary dataset for Cyprus, there is a break in method for six series, and two indexes have been rebased (six annual series 1995 to 2008, replaced from 2008, etc.).

In the data file, the source explains:

Data on the structure of enterprises in the construction sector as from 2008 onwards are not directly comparable to data fro previous years due to methodological differences that can be attributed to two main factors: the improvements in the coverage of the sector in the Business Register and the treatment of subcontracting.

More specifically:

1. a. The reconciliation of the Business Register to the definition of the “enterprise“ has led to the removal from the construction sector of certain statistical units that referred to the construction activity of public or semi-government organisations, such as the Public Works Department, the district administration offices, the Electricity Authority, the Telecommunications Authority etc. 

1. b. The use of administrative records as the sole source of updating the Business Register has brought about changes to the sector’s population and unit reclassifications. In particular, the coverage of the self employed has significantly improved leading to a large increase in the population of the sector. Consequently, it was deemed necessary to recalculate the weighting coefficients that were used in the sample surveys.

2. In the past, subcontracting was not included in the calculation of the value of production (neither of intermediate consumption) so that the production value is comparable with the total cost of construction of a project as estimated from the Building Permits and Housing Survey. In implementing the provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 250/2009 concerning the definitions of characteristics for structural business statistics, starting from the reference year 2008, subcontracting is included in the production value (and in intermediate consumption). Hence, this change has no effect on value added.

In response, we have:

  1. Archived six predecessors (1995 to 2008) by renaming with an "_08" specifier, marking metadata as "discontinued", and segregating in the catalog.
  2. Archived two predecessor indexes (2010=100, 1995 to 2014) by renaming with an "_10" specifier, etc.
  3. Created one-for-one replacements.
  4. Harmonized mnemonics.
  5. Corrected the "observed" attribute.
  6. Extended history of the price index of construction materials, for 1960 to 1994.
  7. Refurbished the catalog.

Active dataset properties:

  • Measurements:
    • Unitary count (#)
    • Thousands of square meters (Ths. m²)
    • Millions of kilograms (Mil. kg)
    • Millions of euros (Mil. EUR)
    • Fixed-base index relative to 2015 (Index 2015=100)
  • Native frequency: Annual
  • Start dates: 1960, 1995, or 2008

The series reside in the historical catalog (Cyprus » Real estate » Construction and housing) and include, for example:

  • HSLGOP_08UA.ICYP = [DISCONTINUED] Construction and Housing: Gross output at current market prices, (Mil. EUR)
  • HSLGOPUA.ICYP    = Gross output at current market prices, (Mil. EUR)
  • PPICNT_10UA.ICYP = [DISCONTINUED] Price index of construction materials, (Index 2010=100)
  • PPICNTUA.ICYP    = Price index of construction materials, (Index 2015=100)
  • HSQPMTUA.ICYP    = Building permits, (#)

Because catalog locations are subject to change, the upper-right search box on DataBuffet.com provides a "find in catalog" mode that accepts a mnemonic.

Please be aware that

This dataset is published in two phases. The value of new construction (four series), cement, dwelling stock, and properties of new dwellings (three series) are published later.

We have renamed select series to harmonize and facilitate cross-country retrieval, but have preserved prior mnemonics as aliases, so legacy retrievals will continue to operate (i.e., backwards compatibility).

We have identified several of the indicators as being reported by CYSTAT at multiple frequencies. These two pairs are carried by Data Buffet:

  • Price index of construction materials = PPICNTU(M,A).ICYP
  • Labor cost index = LWIHCCNU(M,A).ICYP

In this dataset, ten indicators have been redefined repeatedly (vis-a-vis currency, index base, or methodology) and now have two to four versions. On the catalog page, this is depicted by grouping them beneath a subheader, newest version first.

Related ReleaseConstruction and Housing
SourceStatistical Service of the Republic of Cyprus (CYSTAT)
Release DateReference date
05 Jul 20242023