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TitleUsing Data Buffet: Chatting on LiveHelp!
AuthorPhillip Thorne

What is Moody's Analytics LiveHelp!, and how can I use it effectively?


To support our customers, Moody's Analytics LiveHelp! is a realtime text chat facility integrated with Data Buffet and Economy.com.  (Email, telephone, Mnemonic 411, the Reference Files and Data Buffet News are the other methods.)  For an effective and expeditious session, please keep the following in mind.

How do I start?  Look for the "Get Live help" hyperlink in the upper-right corner of the DataBuffet.com and Economy.com web sites.

Who are you? If you are logged in, LiveHelp! will identify you by name to our operators, who can immediately check your account options and test your products.  If you have a shared company account, please provide your name so that we may properly address any subsequent correspondence.

Who will you speak to?  If our first-line operators cannot provide an immediate answer, they will relay your question to the appropriate Moody's Analytics specialist in historical data, forecast models, software, or product sales.  Please confirm your phone number and email address so that we may respond within 24 hours. 

Chat is "low bandwidth" communication, so ...  If you need to show us a data table, the operator will provide an email address where you can send an attachment.  If we need to explain a complex procedure, a phone call may be more effective.  If you need a first-time introduction or training, Client Services can arrange a web conference with desktop sharing and voice.

Watch for hyperlinks. We can embed hyperlinks that will refer you to articles in Data Buffet News or to third-party sources, which are more comprehensive and easier to read than a chat window. They will appear as blue underlined text.

Collaboration, but ... At our end, we can log into your Data Buffet account to see your available catalog and saved workpieces (baskets, charts), but we can't "look over your shoulder" in real time to witness your actions. We can create and save example workpieces for you, but you'll need to refresh (Ctrl-F5) to see them.

Please be specific. Data Buffet contains millions of series, many of them very similar.  Please have the series mnemonic, basket name, URL of a third-party source, title and date of a report or news item, or other pertinent specifics.

Beware of typos. With Data Buffet mnemonics, changing a single character can return a completely different series, and as with any text chat, neglecting a word can render your question incomprehensible.  If necessary, we will ask you to rephrase.

For future reference ... For a record of the chat session, the LiveHelp! window has a "transcript" button, but if you forget and close the window, we can email you a copy.