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Data Change: Norway - Sector accounts for households SA - Disaggregated [UPDATED]
Monday, 20 Mar 2017 16:59 ET
By Rosemary Herrmann
December 2016 -- For the quarterly sector accounts, the source has disaggregated "households and NPISHs" (seasonally adjusted) into the separate institutional sectors S.14 and S.15. The selection of available indicators has also changed. (31 quarterly series 2002-2016, replaced by 51 from 2002.) [Updated March 20, 2017.]

1. In response, we have marked the predecessors (S.14+S.15, 2002Q1 to 2016Q2) as "discontinued" in their metadata and the catalog. The replacements (separate) start at 2015Q3 for households (S.14) and at 2002Q1 for NPISHs (S.15). Figures are millions of Norwegian krone in current (Mil. NOK) or constant year-2005 (Mil. 2005 NOK) terms, or percent (%), and are seasonally adjusted (SA).  

The corresponding NSA series were disaggregated a year ago (see related article).

The active series reside in the historical catalog (Norway » National Accounts » by Institutional Sector » Households | NPISHs) and the predecessors under the associated "discontinued" node. They include, for example:

  • NALNZHNBGVACQ.INOR = [DISCONTINUED] National accounts: By institutional sector - Households and NPISHs - Balance - Gross value added, (Mil. NOK, CDASA)
  • NALNZHHBGVAAQ.INOR = National accounts: By institutional sector - Households - Balance - Gross value added [B1G], (Mil. NOK, SA)
  • NALNZHOBGVAAQ.INOR = NPISHs - Balance - Gross value added [B1G], (Mil. NOK, SA)
  • NA%NZHHBSAVAQ.INOR = Households - Balance - Memo - Savings ratio, (%, SA)
  • NACNZHHBYDNAQ.INOR = Households - Balance - Memo - Disposable real income, (Mil. 2005 NOK, SA)

2. For NPISHs, the source has changed its reporting from Gross Capital Formation to Gross Fixed Capital Formation.

  • NALNZHOUGCFUQ.INOR  = [DISCONTINUED] NPISHs - Use - Gross capital formation, (Mil. NOK, NSA)
  • NALNZHOUGFCFUQ.INOR = NPISHs - Use - Gross fixed capital formation, (Mil. NOK, NSA)

3. We have elected to cease harvesting the following indicators.

  • NALNZHOUSCBUUQ.INOR  = [DISCONTINUED] NPISHs - Use - Unfunded and privately funded social benefits [D62], (Mil. NOK, NSA)
  • NA%NZHHBSAVXDUQ.INOR = [DISCONTINUED] Households - Balance - Memo - Savings ratio excluding dividends, (%, NSA)


  • Mar. 2017 - 19 new series and 25 series discontinued

Because catalog locations are subject to change, the upper-right search box on DataBuffet.com provides a "find in catalog" mode that accepts a mnemonic.

Related ReleaseNational accounts, non-financial sector accounts
SourceStatistics Norway
Release DateReference date
03 Jun 20241Q 2024