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TitleUsing Data Buffet: Map fails to appear
AuthorPhillip Thorne

You try to create a map via the Geo Wizard by selecting a subnational "mappable area," but when the map editor opens, no image appears.


Did you follow this procedure?

  1. Browse the catalog for subnational data.
  2. Pick an indicator.
  3. In the Geography Wizard, pick Geo Type "Mappable Areas."
  4. Press the "New Map" button in the lower-right to create a map.
  5. The map editor opens, but no image appears.

To mitigate the problem, do this:

  1. Open the map editor's Options menu.
  2. Switch to the Legend option group.
  3. In the Range Detail frame, change Segments to "1."
  4. Press the "Apply" button.
  5. Once the map appears, count the number of regions. If at least two, you can change the Segments value again.
  6. See if there is a more granular template available, under Options » Series » Map » Area.

The default number of range segments (i.e., buckets into which the data values are partitioned) is three. A map with N areas can be colored with no more than N different colors. If the Mappable Areas template you picked has fewer than three areas, this bug occurs; some of our European metro area maps qualify -- for countries that contain only one or two component areas at a given NUTS level.