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TitleUsing Data Buffet: Integration with Sageworks
AuthorPhillip Thorne

To make Data Buffet time series available to the Sageworks platform, save a basket using the "Sageworks [Abrigo] - JSON" output format. You must have an Abrigo account to use Sageworks.


How does this work?

To make a specific set of series available to the Sageworks platform for use in a model, you create a Data Buffet basket, and select the "Sageworks [Abrigo] - JSON" output format; this saves series metadata in the JSON format expected by Sageworks. Later, the Sageworks platform uses the Data Buffet API to import the series data, which bypasses the typical "run and download" steps of the basket module.

Be aware that

  • This output format is available only on Data Buffet Blue, the new version of the site.
  • The basket can contain single mnemonics and formulas.
  • The basket cannot contain wild cards, nor geo lists. Their use will elicit the message "expression does not evaluate to a numeric series".

What do I need? (preconditions)

  1. You have a Sageworks account with Abrigo.
  2. You have a Data Buffet account with Moody's Analytics.

What do I do?

1. Confirm that your Sageworks account is working correctly.

2. If necessary, obtain your Data Buffet API keys:

  1. Log in to Economy.com.
  2. Go to the "My Subscriptions" section.
  3. In the left-hand menu, under "Subscriptions", go to "API Keys".
  4. If you need to generate keys, there will be a blue "Create" button.

3. On Data Buffet, create a basket for use by Sageworks:

  1. If you are not already using it, switch to Data Buffet Blue.
  2. Create a new basket, with: menu:New » Basket
  3. Populate the basket.
  4. Open Basket menu » btn:Settings » tab:Output and set File Type=Sageworks [Abrigo] - JSON (Fig. 1).
  5. Save your changes, with: btn:Apply
  6. Save the basket, with: Basket menu » btn:Save
  7. Do not run the basket. It serves only to collect the series; execution and download will be handled by Sageworks.

4. Log in to Sageworks using your Abrigo account.

5. On Sageworks, connect to Data Buffet using your Data Buffet API access key and encryption key (Fig. 2).

6. In Sageworks, select the basket (Fig. 3).

  1. In the upper list of sources, select Moody's Analytics Data Series.
  2. In the left-hand box, set File Type=All file types.
  3. In the left-hand box, select a basket from the list.

7. Add series as inputs to the Sageworks model. In the left-hand box, select one or more series from the basket. They will appear in the right-hand box (Fig. 4).

8. Configure the model (Fig 5).

9. Solve the model (Fig 6).

Screen captures

Fig. 1. On Data Buffet, configure the basket for use by Sageworks (step 3d).

Fig. 2. On Sageworks, connect to Data Buffet using your Data Buffet API access key and encryption key (step 5).

Fig. 3. In Sageworks, select the Data Buffet basket (step 6).

Fig. 4. Select series from the basket and add to the Sageworks model (step 7).

Fig. 5. Configure the model (step 8).

Fig 6. Solve the model (step 9).

About Sageworks and Abrigo

For clarity, this manual uses the legacy name for the software.

Sageworks (now part of Abrigo) is a private financial information company headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina. Founded in 1998, Sageworks provides financial analysis and risk management software, in addition to creating products for commercial lenders. See: www.sageworks.com.

Abrigo is the new name of Banker's Toolbox after it acquired MainStreet Technologies (MST) and Sageworks in 2018. Founded in 2000 in Austin, Texas, it provides compliance, credit risk, and lending solutions to community financial institutions. See: www.abrigo.com.

See also