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Data Note: Belarus - Impaired Loans - Redenominated
Tuesday, 16 May 2017 03:44 ET
By Michaela Dvorakova
May 2017 -- In conjunction with a currency redenomination, the units and scale for volume of impaired loans in Belarus have changed. We have revised the series and altered their metadata (two monthly series impacted, from 2002).

As of July 1, 2016, Belarus redenominated its currency from the "second" to "third" ruble (ISO codes BYR to BYN), where 10,000 BYR = 1 BYN. At the same time, the source altered its statistics from billions to millions. Since Data Buffet policy is to republish values verbatim, in response, we have revised two time series, for their entire history, from as early as December 2002.

Change in magnitude:

  • Time series literal value = 5,970
  • Now means = 5,970 x 1e6 = 5.97e9 BYN
  • Same as = 5,970 x 1e6 x 1e4 = 5.97e13 BYR
  • But was = 59,700 x 1e9 = 5.97e13 BYR
  • Hence, the literal change is that values have been divided by 10.

The alterations to our description metadata are:

    • Money and Banking: Problem assets, (Bil. BYR, NSA)
    • Money and banking: Problem assets, (Mil. BYN, NSA)
    • Money and Banking: Total loans - To all sectors in all currencies, (Bil. BYR, NSA)
    • Money and banking: Total loans - To all sectors in all currencies, (Mil. BYN, NSA)

Please adapt any downstream processes that use these time series.

Related ReleaseImpaired Loans
SourceNational Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB)