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TitleUsing Data Buffet: Aggregate series over time
AuthorPhillip Thorne

Can I convert a daily time series to weekly, weekly to monthly, etc.?


Data Buffet provides a "frequency" control in all modules to perform the most common frequency conversions. However, you can exert more control by writing a CONVERT expression in a basket. In particular, you can override the "observed" attribute of a series -- for example, if the series by default converts by AVERAGE, you can use END to extract the value of each last period.

The most obvious high-to-low frequency conversions occur between familiar calendar intervals, as follows. The CONVERT function can perform other conversions, but the results may be unobvious. It can also perform low-to-high conversions, i.e., disaggregating or spreading a value across an interval.

  • Seven days per week
  • Five business days per week
  • Week to month
  • Four quarters to year
  • 12 months to year

See also