Macao SAR (China) - Consumer Price Index (CPI)

Macao SAR (China): Consumer Price Index (CPI)

Mnemonic CPI.IMAC
Unit Index Apr2018 to Mar2019=100, NSA
Adjustments Not Seasonally Adjusted
Monthly 0.54 %
Data Feb 2024 105.72
Jan 2024 105.15

Series Information

Source Statistics and Census Service (DSEC)
Release Consumer Price Index
Frequency Monthly
Start Date 1/31/1988
End Date 2/29/2024

Release Information

For Macao SAR (China), the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) publishes a monthly composite consumer price index (CPI). CPI measures the changes in prices of a fixed basket of goods and services purchased by households.

  • Classification: UN COICOP
  • Measurement: Fixed-base index relative to April 2018 to March 2019 (Index Apr2018 to Mar2019=100)
  • Adjustment: Not seasonally adjusted (NSA)
  • Native frequency: Monthly
  • Start date (as reported): 1998m1
  • Start date (extended): 1988m1

The CPI of Macao is calculated using the Laspeyres Index. First, the average price is calculated for each item of goods and services. For fresh food, the simple arithmetic mean is calculated in two steps. As prices of fresh food are collected multiple times from an outlet in each period, the average price of the food item sold at the outlet has to be first calculated before calculating the overall average price of the item sold at all outlets. For other goods and services, the geometric mean is used to calculate the average price. Secondly, the Simple Index is compiled using the chain-link method (change of the average prices of the current period (t) and previous period (t-1) is multiplied by the index value of the previous period). Finally, the weighted average of the Simple Indices is calculated for higher level and overall indices. 

The goods/services are classified based on the Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP) of the United Nations.

Moody's Analytics supplement

We have back-extended the index by 10 years using a corresponding series from IMF IFS. We have constructed a seasonally adjusted supplement.

DESC rebases and revises CPI periodically based on the results of the Household Budget Survey (HBS), which is conducted every five years.