Ireland [Ireland] - Primary Industries Employment

Ireland [Ireland]: Primary Industries Employment

Mnemonic EPRI.IIRL
Unit Ths. #, NSA
Adjustments Not Seasonally Adjusted
Quarterly 0.41 %
Data 2020 Q3 98.7
2020 Q2 98.3

Series Information

Source Central Statistics Office (CSO)
Release Labour Force Survey f.k.a. Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS)
Frequency Quarterly
Start Date 3/31/1998
End Date 9/30/2020

Ireland [Ireland]: Labor

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
Labor Force 2020 Q3 2,469 2,341 Ths. #, NSA Quarterly
Labor Force Employment 2020 Q3 2,295 2,222 Ths. #, NSA Quarterly
Primary Industries Employment 2020 Q3 98.7 98.3 Ths. #, NSA Quarterly
Secondary Industries Employment 2020 Q3 437.9 418 Ths. #, NSA Quarterly
Tertiary Industries Employment 2020 Q3 1,755 1,701 Ths. #, NSA Quarterly
Unemployment 2020 Q3 174.7 118.7 Ths. #, NSA Quarterly
Unemployment Rate 2020 Q3 7.1 5.1 %, NSA Quarterly

Release Information

For Ireland, labor force status by sex, employment by industry and sex, for the upper two subnational levels, quarterly.

The Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS) replaced the annual April Labor Force Survey (LFS) in 1997, and in turn was replaced by a new Labor Force Survey in 2018. The QNHS transition served to conform to international standards that required quarterly labor force surveys as opposed to annual. The QNHS addresses employment, unemployment and the labor force, plus important social topics. 


  • Framework: IESS
  • Industry classification: NACE Rev. 2
  • Measurements:
    • Thousands of persons (Ths. #)
    • Percent (%)
  • Adjustments:
    • Seasonally adjusted (SA)
    • Not seasonally adjusted (NSA)
  • Native frequency: Quarterly
  • Start dates: Between 1997Q4 and 2012Q1
  • Geo coverage:
    • Country
    • All 3 region/NUTS 2 areas (IIRL_^^)
    • All 8 regional authority/NUTS 3 areas (IIRL_^^^)


  • LFS (2) with partial IESS - 1998 to 2020
  • QNHS and NACE Rev. 2 - 1997 to 2017
  • QNHS and NACE Rev. 1 - 1997 to 2008
  • LFS (1) annual

Information for this survey is collected through the means of face-to-face interviews by team members using Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) on laptop computers. The source collects information throughout the year by surveying households each week in each quarter. The goal is to sample 26,000 households on a quarterly basis, however the actual survey sample varies depending on the level of response. Participation in the survey is voluntary. 

The survey population includes individuals aged 15 and older living in private households. Excluded persons from the survey includes institutionalized persons and persons with no fixed abode. The source collects demographic information, geographic information, highest level of eduction, ILO status, NACE Rev. 2 industrial activity classification, occupation and employment status.  

The source selects households to participate in the survey by breaking geographic regions into smaller sections and chosing households in each section. Households are asked to take part in the survey for five consecutive quarters before being replaced by other households in the same geographic section. 

Moody's Analytics supplements

For all subnational geos, we produce seasonally adjusted counterparts to the LFS quartet (four concepts, 11 geos). We directly adjust employment and unemployment, and compute labor force and unemployment rate as identities.

Data is generally final upon release and not subject to revision, however in the past the source has revised data if more information was found or if data was found to be errant.