Denmark - Births

Denmark: Births

Mnemonic BTH.IDNK
Unit #, NSA
Quarterly 9.59 %
Data 2023 Q4 13,820
2023 Q3 15,286

Series Information

Source Statistics Denmark
Release Population
Frequency Quarterly
Start Date 3/31/1988
End Date 12/31/2023

Denmark: Demographics

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
Births 2023 Q4 13,820 15,286 #, NSA Quarterly
Deaths 2023 Q4 15,499 13,625 #, NSA Quarterly
Population 2023 Q4 5,961,249 5,959,464 #, NSA Quarterly
Net Migration 2017 75,998 # Annual
Birth Rate 2015 10.2 # per Ths. pop. Annual
Death Rate 2015 9.2 9.1 # per Ths. pop. Annual

Release Information

The various statistics are based on the resident population in Denmark. The permanent address concept, which is used in the populations statistics, is the same as that used by the local register (the permanent address is defined as the place where you with some regularity sleep, when you are not abroad because of holidays, business trips, or the place where you have your belongings.) The guidance from CPR enumerates furthermore the line of direction concerning the decision in case of doubt, for instance persons who have more than one residence, military service, prisoners, sailors, relocations from abroad and persons who take up residence in another place because of working conditions.

Statistic Denmark uses a population register which receives an outdraw of information daily about the events such as removals, emi-/immigrations, births and deaths from CPR (Central Person Register)

At the end of the quarter Statistics Denmark extracts the population at the municipality level which is published by age, sex and citizenship.

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