Cyprus - Wage & Salaries

Cyprus: Wage & Salaries

Unit EUR, SA
Adjustments Seasonally Adjusted
Quarterly 1.61 %
Data 2023 Q4 2,402
2023 Q3 2,364

Series Information

Source Statistical Service of the Republic of Cyprus (CYSTAT)
Release Average monthly earnings of employees by quarter
Frequency Quarterly
Start Date 3/31/2003
End Date 12/31/2023

Cyprus: Labor

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
Labor Force 2023 Q4 491,929 494,622 #, NSA Quarterly
Labor Force Employment 2023 Q4 462,881 466,117 #, NSA Quarterly
Total Employment 2023 Q4 462,881 466,117 #, NSA Quarterly
Unemployment 2023 Q4 29,047 28,504 #, NSA Quarterly
Unemployment Rate 2023 Q4 5.9 5.8 %, NSA Quarterly
Wage & Salaries 2023 Q4 2,402 2,364 EUR, SA Quarterly
Agriculture Employment 2017 21,761 22,277 # Annual

Release Information

For Cyprus, average monthly earnings (sum of basic salary, cost of living allowance, overtime, etc.) before compulsory deductions, based on the Social Insurance Register, in euros.

  • Measurement: Unitary euros (EUR)
  • Adjustments:
    • Seasonally adjusted (SA)
    • Not seasonally adjusted (NSA)
  • Native frequency: Quarterly
  • Start date: Uniformly 2003Q1

Data are presented by sex and in original and seasonally adjusted forms.

Data are based on the Social Insurance Register and cover employees in all sectors for whom social security contributions have been paid by the employer, excluding (a) those employed in private households (domestic servants), and (b) persons with remuneration indicating that no regular work has been performed during the reference period (e.g. persons who received arrear payments only, persons who worked for a limited number of hours, etc.). The minimum amount of earnings acceptable in order to be included in the data is decided by the Statistical Service of Cyprus and it is revised every year, based on the average level of earnings.

Average monthly earnings of employees include the basic salary, the cost of living allowance, earnings for overtime, the Holiday Fund, any other allowances received by employees during the reference period and payments in arrears. The average is calculated by dividing the total gross earnings before any deductions for compulsory social security contributions, by the total number of employees who received remuneration.

Old method: The Holiday Fund is allocated to the period it is paid by employers.

New method (applied from 29 March 2013, with revisions to past periods): The Holiday Fund is allocated to the quarters in which leave is taken. Under this method, an employee on holiday in August is included in the calculation of average monthly earnings for August.

Data are subject to revisions, usually for one to four prior quarters. Revisions to the NSA results are typically less than 1%.

As of 29 March 2013, a new method was applied, and past periods were benchmarked to up-to-date registers from the Social Insurance Services Department.

As of 29 December 2015 (results for 2015Q3), the full history was revised.

As of 28 September 2017 (results for 2017Q2), some prior periods were revised by up to 28%.