Belgium - Investment

Belgium: Investment

Mnemonic I.IBEL
Unit Mil. EUR, CDASA
Adjustments Calendar Adjusted and Seasonally Adjusted
Quarterly 2.22 %
Data 2023 Q3 37,027
2023 Q2 36,222

Series Information

Source National Bank of Belgium - Belgostat (BNB)
Release Non-Financial Accounts of Households
Frequency Quarterly
Start Date 3/31/1999
End Date 9/30/2023

Belgium: GDP

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
Government Consumption 2023 Q4 35,890 35,599 Mil. EUR, CDASA Quarterly
Nominal Fixed Investment (gross fixed capital formation) 2023 Q4 35,000 37,133 Mil. EUR, CDASA Quarterly
Nominal Gross Domestic Product 2023 Q4 147,825 146,911 Mil. EUR, CDASA Quarterly
Private Consumption 2023 Q4 75,913 75,540 Mil. EUR, CDASA Quarterly
Real Fixed Investment (gross fixed capital formation) 2023 Q4 27,126 28,964 Mil. Ch. 2015 EUR, CDASA Quarterly
Real Government Consumption 2023 Q4 28,857 28,720 Mil. Ch. 2015 EUR, CDASA Quarterly
Real Gross Domestic Product 2023 Q4 118,544 118,156 Mil. Ch. 2015 EUR, CDASA Quarterly
Real Private Consumption 2023 Q4 58,977 58,700 Mil. Ch. 2015 EUR, CDASA Quarterly
Investment 2023 Q3 37,027 36,222 Mil. EUR, CDASA Quarterly
Real Investment 2017 98,611,538,900 97,561,948,900 NCU Annual

Release Information

The quarterly sector accounts are detailed and wide ranging; however, the source only distributions a selection of indicators along with their main components.  The non-financial accounts of households  describes production transactions, transactions relating to the generation of income and its redistribution through consumption, saving or investment. The tax statistics of the incomes are drawn up on the basis of income tax return on the natural persons. They are the incomes obtained the previous year and imposed in the year in the course of exercise. The series are estimated at current prices. 

The quarterly accounts are compiled by supplementing the statistical information that is already available- notably the quarterly national accounts and the general government accounts. The quarterly results are obtained by interpolating annual data on the basis of quarterly indicators; the interpolation method used is based on the Chow and Lin econometric model which maintains consistency between the quarterly and annual figures.

Key Indicators are selected by Eurostat to highlight the statistical information and fluctuate heavily from quarter to quarter. 

  • Gross saving rate of households is defined as gross saving divided by gross disposable income (adjusted for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves).
  • Gross investment rate of households is defined as gross fixed capital formation divided by gross disposable income (adjusted for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves).

 Disposable Income key Indicators:

  • The total income taxable Net is composed of all the net incomes, less the deductible expenditure. The total of the net incomes is the sum of all the returned net incomes belonging to the categories of the real goods, incomes and receipts of capital and movable goods, earned income and various incomes.
  • The taxable average revenue by declaration is the quotient of the total income taxable Net and the full number of declarations. It is influenced by aberrant values (outliers).
  • The median income by declaration is the income corresponding to the declaration located at the center of the series, when the declarations are classified by order ascending of the incomes. On the other hand, this one is not influenced by aberrant values (outliers).
  • The tax household is the central element of the statistics of the tax incomes. The tax household can be made up of a person alone or a married couple.
  • The first decile corresponds to the section of 10% of tax incomes low, the tenth decile to the 10% of the tax incomes highest.

 Resources and Uses: Resources refers to revenue while uses refers to expenditure.

  • The term "net" refers to the difference between the amounts given in resources and those given in uses for the same item.

The series are published with a lag of 105 calendar days after the end of the quarter to which they relate.  They are estimated to be fully consistent with their equivalent on an annual basis.

Active series were calculated according to the European System of National Accounts Rev. 2010 (ESA 2010). For more information about Belgium's switch to ESA 2010, please see the source. Discontinued series were calculated according to ESA 95. Both active and discontinued series being as early as 1991Q1.

For additional information please visit the source at: