Romania - Building Completions

Romania: Building Completions

Mnemonic HCMP.IROU
Unit #, NSA
Adjustments Not Seasonally Adjusted
Quarterly 19.79 %
Data 2023 Q4 21,461
2023 Q3 17,916

Series Information

Source National Institute of Statistics
Release Housing Completions
Frequency Quarterly
Start Date 3/31/2005
End Date 12/31/2023

Romania: Real Estate

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
Building Completions 2023 Q4 21,461 17,916 #, NSA Quarterly
House Price Index 2023 Q4 152.28 150.02 Index 2015=100, NSA Quarterly
Residential Building Permits Dec 2023 2,550 2,700 #, NSA Monthly
Dwelling Stocks 2022 9,655,685 9,587,153 #, NSA Annual

Release Information

Construction Licences Issued for Buildings

Finished Dwelling by Financing sources and by Area

The data presented in the Monthly Statistical Bulletin, concerning the main economic and social indicators, are provisional and can be subject to further rectifications. They are usually obtained by statistical sample surveys and measure the short-term economic and social evolution. Data are yearly finalized based on the Business Structural Survey as well as on some specific yearly surveys for social and economic indicators.

Construction permit

is the authority document of local administration which provides application of legal measures referring to the construction location, design, execution and functioning. Construction permit is released for the work beneficiary, observing the design, documentation of town and territory planning, in order to start the construction works.

The building

is the permanent construction which arises above the ground, forming a whole from constructive and architectural point of view, spatially isolated (at a distance) or apart from others by exterior walls, its own roof and separate entry.

Residential building

is that building which is totally or mostly (over 50 % of living space or constructed volume) used for habitation.

Residential buildings for collectivities

those residential buildings used as collectivity dwellings, such as: nurseries, orphanages, hostels and hospital type hostels elderly persons, etc.

Non-residential buildings

Are exclusively or mainly meant for other purposes than residential ones, in this category being included administrative buildings and other buildings.

Other buildings

category includes: hotels similar buildings, buildings for wholesale and retail, buildings for transport and communications, industrial and agricultural buildings, education, science, culture and art buildings, health care, physical culture and recreation, etc. This statistical survey is filled up by county and local (including sector) councils, the object of the report being construction permits issued for buildings during the year as well as for existent residential building extensions (excluding those for colectivities).

The dwelling (apartment) is the construction having one or several habitation rooms situated at the same level of the building or at different levels, generally provided with outbuildings (kitchen, bathroom etc.) or other service spaces, independent from functional point of view, having separate entrance from the stairs, yard or street and which has been built, transformed or planned in order to be used mainly by one household.

Finished dwellings are considered dwellings which did not exist before and whose elements, including their foundation, have been built for the first time, to which all the works of technical documentation have been finalized and have been received by the users. Data about construction of dwellings are obtained from an exhaustive statistical survey, comprising all the economic operators, as well as units specialised in contracting, construction and sale of dwellings to the population, public administration units which have financed the construction of dwellings from own sources or taken over, public organisations, as well as local councils (municipality, town, commune) which also pursue the finished dwellings carried out by the population on own account.

Finished dwellings from public funds include dwellings financed from the state budget or from local budgets.

Finished dwellings from private funds include dwellings financed from own sources of economic operators, as well as those finished from population funds.


Data may be revised